Fuck it, I’ll bite. What is wrong with this image?
NATO involvement, in supplying Ukraine with weapons and intel, I suppose?
It’s probably fair to say that Zelenski isn’t actually calling the shots for Ukraine, for example? In which case, what is the actual actual sovereign entity involved in the conflict, on Ukraine’s side?
Thanks for biting. :)
Is that because there’s insufficient or poor evidence for Russia’s supporters?
If so or if not, what is the effect of giving the impression that clicking the link under Russia will reveal a large and well substantiated list?
If the Russian list wasn’t impliedly large, why include a link rather than a couple of names?
Does the presentation equate the kind and scope of support for Russia and Ukraine?
If so, what is the effect, intended or accidental, of equating support for Ukraine and Russia?
What is the effect, intended or accidental, of limiting ‘support’ to military suppliers or aid?
What is the difference between ‘suppliers’ and ‘aid’?
Why is there no ‘aid’ list for Russia?
Why is there no ‘supplier’ list for Ukraine?
What is the effect of using different categories connected to each state?
The OP screenshot and the updated version you posted raise these questions.
Ukraine should have under supported by “US, France, UK, NATO, EU” at minimum on their side. The number of citations one could give for that support would not be mere allegations by one leader that are denied by both Russia and the other country but hundreds of instances of open admission to the media that this is what they are doing.
It is in English so the Pax Americana likely infiltrated and altered the Wikipedia information for disinformation campaign. The omission of support by NATO members likely has intention to hide the puppt government status of status of Zelensky and his predecessor. The omission of allies to the current Kyiv government could also hide the fact that the Kyiv government under Zelensky and his predecessor depends on foreign countries for their rule against their lack of domestic support. The framing that the war is between Russia and Ukrain hides the fact that the conflict is a civil war between the rebeling Ukrainian states in the Donetsk region that decided to split from Ukraine by their own violation and the Euromaiden coup government in Kyiv that attemps to massacre all Ukrainains who are ethnically Russians in the rebeling states.