Every two days a new thread with hundreds of comments of a bunch of liberals doing the same fucking talking points about the election. It doesn’t even fucking matter but so many people are just so enthusiastic to be hand-wringing or smug or whatever their preferred flavor of insufferable is, presumably mostly because they’ve been acculturated by liberal media to the idea that Trump is the apocalypse despite the fact that we already saw how Trump bumbles his way through a term!
It’s just so bad, you can’t talk about it anywhere there without someone leaping down your throat to say the same shit you’ve heard before.
Marx grasped this essence of capitalist democracy splendidly when, in analyzing the experience of the Commune, he said that the oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class shall represent and repress them in parliament!
Democracy for an insignificant minority, democracy for the rich — that is the democracy of capitalist society.
you’re embarrassing yourself
Tagline material.
Marxists.org is a collection of works on political theory. They aren’t really biased beyond wanting to preserve the works and provide easy access to them.
The link is to something written by Lenin in 1917, referencing something Marx wrote earlier. I suppose you could say that Lenin and Marx were biased in the sense that they had strong views but that isn’t a valid reason to dismiss everything they ever said, and that ignorant perspective is just going to get you laughed at here.
They’re quoting Marx which is being hosted on marxists.org, you brick.
Also everyone is biased, objective reporting is literally impossible. Learn how to do source critique and text analysis instead of just gargling the same thought-killing propaganda you’ve been regurgitating your whole life
marxists.org is an archive of hundreds of thousands of texts by influential sociologists, historians, political economists and political theorists. It’s not our “facts” it’s an argument in the form of a written text. Perhaps you should sit down and take the time to read sometimes and maybe learn something.