I’m not talking about politicians and public figures. Neera and Biden suck ass and are far and away from being a hair off from being a leftist. I’m talking about the liberal base, many of whom, like me before I was a communist, just need it to be normalized and thus have permission. The vast majority of this community are ex-liberals.
Leftists really need to learn the difference between ideologically committed liberals like the people in the tweets and “liberals by default” like the vast majority of Democrat voters.
I’m frankly surprised several chapos can’t tell the difference. I was a brainwormed lib for almost the first decade of my adult life (with a couple brief conservative phases in there) before I fully radicalized and started drawing revolutionary conclusions. Most of the working-class people we’re trying to reach have probably been liberals-by-default for at least a few years and will have at least a little ideological baggage to work through, even the young workers most receptive to radical politics.
If you’re still in high school/undergrad and already a hardened Marxist because you paid attention and learned from the mistakes of the millennial left (Occupy, DSA/Bernie Dem-entryism, etc.) then that’s great! But most people aren’t going to reach the same correct conclusions so quickly even with additional life experience under capitalism, because they have a lot of shit to unlearn before a Marxist message even begins to make sense. Our job is to reach those who’ve made mistakes and are willing to self-correct, listen, and learn once they realize they’ve been had, and to plant seeds in the minds of people who might not be willing to hear us until life happens to them several years later.