I mean jesus christ there was a slight dip in turnout for the MAGA people but 15 million dropped off the face of the planet for the Dems from 2020. That’s gotta be fucking historic. I do hope this will be a radicalising moment for a lot of well-intentioned liberals.
They fumbled 4 states that Biden flipped, and Trump came pretty fucking close to flipping NY. If this doesn’t awaken people to the political dead end that is the Democratic party I don’t know what will.
15 million dropped off the face of the planet for the Dems from 2020. That’s gotta be fucking historic
It’s less than the percentage drop for the democrats after LBJ won the election in 1964 - on a popular vote that beat every democrat for the next ~30 years until Clinton (Clinton got 4 percent more votes than LBJ) - I think it’s more that support for Biden was unusually high in 2020 compared to how democrats usually go (Roosevelt, LBJ and I think Carter maybe are exceptions)
For added context, the LBJ to Humphrey dropoff came off the back of the Civil Rights Act, which permanently lost the democrats the South. So Biden to Harris is almost as big of a drop in support as the passing of the Civil Rights Act, except the Dems haven’t even fucking done anything this time.
Also LMAO that the largest drop in support for the dems was the one time they did something good post 1945. Truly a satanic country y’all have there.
I thought the civil rights act was passed before the election where LBJ had the highest margin for a hundred or two hundred years?
I haven’t read much about the post 64 period tbh
Might actually be true, given that the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964 in july, and LBJ went on to win a massive landslide victory over Goldwater in 1964’s november elections. The sheer margins that LBJ won with might also be why the republicans then went on to cater massively to the South to pry them away from the Democrats, since Southern democrats apparently make hating black people their highest political priority.