but I don’t see a front around here.
Implying that we are not all fighting in the First World Posting War.
Joking aside, eduardog said “killing”, not murder. I can see why you chose to use “execute” in your argument but we’re not exactly dealing with fascists who are already neatly lined up against the proverbi wall for us to verbally execute either.
I’m not unsympathetic to your argument but I think the key difference is this: socialists rarely, if ever, hold themselves up to be physically superior specimens of humanity. Chuds and fascists, by and large, do. Pointing out that they themselves fall far short of their professed physical ideal does disproportionately more harm to a fascist than just about everyone else.
Yeah I agree that we shouldn’t be robotically utilitarian about it. On the other hand, engaging in a way that is guaranteed to have a zero percent chance to hurt any comrade is almost guaranteed to be easily brushed off by Chuds and libs alike.