pepper-spraying into the wind
that’s a great description. I’m not advocating that you don’t verbally emotionally pepper spray a fash, just that you do so while carefully consider your surroundings
In fact, I think the himmler post in question is a great example, the irony of the post is not haha weak chin, but haha these losers think that’s a terrible flaw and even their revered leaders had that ‘terrible flaw’
Yeah, obviously this post is not a great example - if you can make fun of anyone’s physical features, it’s literal and specific fascists. Posting a picture of Himmler and saying “Himmler is an object of ridicule because he has a weak chin” is mostly fine and unlikely to rub off on non-fascists with weak chins. Same goes with Leafy’s chin, Peterson’s Elmo voice, etc. But the more generic caricatures that are basically just “You have [Physical Feature]? You look weird and you’re probably a fascist!” can unintentionally harm our atypically-shaped comrades.