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my state is filled to the brim with libs but you’d think it was the deep south if you went into the subreddit
I really think it has to do with the right’s obsession with “the culture wars” and the insane sums of money they are willing to spend on astrotuf, at least, maybe.
I have mentioned this often, but I watched an interview with Chris Hedges in which he recounts getting invited to visit a right-wing think tank, and he describes walking into a room full of cubicles packed with ‘workers’ editing wikipedia articles.
If they are willing to spend that much trying to revise history, there is no way they aren’t trying to create the illusion of a conservative state of mind across all social media platforms, where they perceive the forefront of the culture war to be (a battle that every non-failson knows they cannot win organically)
It’s like the Soros Bux meme, except it’s actually real, and the money comes from Koch, Mercer, DeVos fortunes etc.
I see where you are coming from, and yeah the natural progression of capitalism would certainly tend to lead to outsourcing or automation. I do not know what era Chris was discussing, but I trust him enough to not lie about something like this. It is possible to identify a lot of Turf on Twitter because the account name is literally part of a word or name, usually incomplete, followed by eight random digits. The number of digits never really seems to even change. I would suspect that yes, that is automation (or at least botting to create sock accounts).
NDAs also exist. I mean, video game publishers subject people to this sort of document just for access to early releases for independent review (they aren’t even monetarily compensated). I do not think we would need to assume that these far-right ‘institutions’ compensate workers well, but rather it’s more like they enforce their will through fear (revocation of access, etc), power, and their litigious reputations.
I seriously doubt they are paying Americans a GOOD wage(It has to be good, or else they would be leaking info) to do this.
Don’t underestimate the return on investment for doing this, It keeps the population asleep, it spreads Americas neoliberal capitalist ideology around the world.
Can’t remember the name of it, but there’s a wikipedia “editor” account who apparently never sleeps, and spends every waking moment of his life editing articles about journalists, relating to american wars, foreign policy, coups etc etc.