saved this bad boy from back in the heady days of April
bringing it back in the hope of manifesting an end to this awful empire
I forget how pathetic the Nazi Empire was at least compared to what it dreamt of being. It started expanding in 1937 (or was it ‘38?) and rapidly gained territory until late 1942 when it started losing territory in North Africa with Operation Torch and with an incredible Soviet defense of their key cities the Nazis maxed out their empire in only five years, and even then they didn’t even have any real control outside of their imperial core in Central Europe! They were marauders, looters and genocidaires who put all their efforts into murdering innocent people for not fitting into their little psychotic hug box of xenophobia. I shudder thinking about if they had focused “just” on political enemies and eugenics because they might still be around to this day (I mean a coherent nazi state not nazis in general). Then I think about it a little more and holy shit if that isn’t what America is: a toned down version of the Fourth Reich.