Dems should’ve tried harder to win the senate by just supporting weed legalization
It’s the “what the fuck does he have to lose?” argument I’ve seen here and basically everywhere forever. He’s almost 80. He’s never going to lose in Vermont. It’s almost as if telling the Democratic Party to go fuck itself should have been his strategy all along.
I have no idea if it’s true or if it’s what motivates him, but I trust the argument that the reason he’s being conciliatory is to pave the way for future Berniecrats (like AOC). Even if Democrats stab him in the back and their lesser minions spit in his face, because he plays ball, he gets a modicum of respect and recognition, which will carry over to other leaders who espouse the same brand of politics.
My hunch is that he might accomplish more by burning bridges, by going directly to the people, by actively breaking the Democratic party apart, taking as many progressives along as possible. Because they’ve already launched almost everything they could at him. If they fired their last shots, it might backfire with the people seeing through it.
But then again they ratfucked and smeared Corbyn to the point that your average lib thinks he’s beyond the pale, so maybe Bernie is doing the best he can under the circumstances.