The santa clause myth is lib shit, and I have no plans to teach my kid that santa clause is real. I don’t want my kid obsessing over the amount of shit at the bottom of that tree on 12/25, or trying to manipulate their behavior a few days/weeks beforehand to increase said amount of shit.
But, I’m not really sure how to approach this. The kid is only 2, so nothing to worry about for a few more years. Should I just be direct? There is no Santa, holidays are about family?
Anybody here already cross that bridge?
My parents took this stance with me/my siblings because they didn’t want us taking things for granted. They flat out told us Santa does not exist, it all comes from family that work hard to give the gifts, but also that kids in school believe in Santa and it is not my place to question that. I don’t want kids but if I had any then I’d go a similar route