I figure Brace Belden is the biggest name around these parts, but I can only listen to TrueAnon for so long. Any others with more of an academic background who are still entertaining?
Matt is definitely a Marxist in the sense that Marx’s view of history is how Matt interprets things, but I don’t think he believes in a vanguard party form as MLs do or in a theory of socialism in one country. As far as statements he’s made, he’s explicitly said on stream I think that he adherer’s to no tendency as they are more often than not aesthetic choices, which is for most of the online left fair.
I do know Matt used to be an active DSA member however he has not been since the pod took off. I don’t know if he’s still a dues paying member. He still I think overall supports the org compared to any other in the United States, as do all the other hosts. Amber is still an active member.