Permanently Deleted
idk man I think if you’re not making people angry rn you’re not accurately reporting the news
You could have just edited instead of deleting the old one.
Idk man, the stuff he goes on about isn’t exactly what I’d get angry about reading posts here. For all the valid criticisms of AOC and “progressive” electoral politics, he spends way too much time attacking people who really shouldn’t be priorities for attack, who really don’t have much power relative to those who are really in charge. I don’t believe he’s a CIA plant, don’t get me wrong, but he acts the way a CIA plant would.
A CIA plant would be pushing for regime change in Syria, Venezuela, Bolivia, etc. JD is generally anti-imperialist.
Like I said, I don’t actually believe he’s a CIA plant, although I don’t think the CIA would be dumb enough to try to hoodwink leftists with someone who supports regime change.
Anti-imperialism shouldn’t be the only bar