cricket bats
OK this is even funnier.
Why can’t they at least carry crowbars or hammers or whatever, if someone came at me with a cricket bat or a hockey stick I’d die laughing before they could kill me. What’s next, tennis rackets? Bowling pins?
Maybe it’s just because I find these games kinda funny. Seriously though, this sounds extremely scary.
Idk if this is a good take. Innocent people are getting beaten by chuds, it might not be in good taste to laugh at the weapons used.
You wouldn’t die laughing, you would die a brutally beaten mess.
Cricket bat is no joke.
A cricket bat is basically one of those Mesoamerican obsidian sword-club things without the teeth.
Yeah didn’t say they weren’t. I just find the association with the games they are used in kinda funny.
Hockey sticks are actually quite dangerous. In hockey, you can ram a guy full speed with your shoulder or flip him over your hip but if you touch him with your stick it’s a penalty, and for good reason. Players used to put each other in the hospital getting in stick fights.