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Some of Kaiserreich’s politics are nonsense. Leninism is lumped together with Strasserism under a made-up liberal poli-sci ideology called “totalism”. The idea that the IWW would be capable of building soviets while cooperating with the conservative trade-unionists in the AFL without such a united front dissolving into a dysfunctional big-tent/popular front seems a bit outlandish. Many of the key Marxist figures who joined the CPUSA in real life such as William Foster (and some who would later split from CPUSA and join the SWP, e.g. James Cannon) because of the Bolshevik revolution and the dramatic initial success of the 3rd international are still in the IWW in the Kaiserreich timeline because Lenin’s revolution fails.
Somehow we’re expected to believe that the IWW, whose members would all agree to smash the capitalist state, wouldn’t result in a major split as the result of infighting because some members (Reed, Foster, Cannon, etc.) would learn the hard way of the necessity to go beyond dual power and build a fully-developed workers’ state with its own “body of armed men” to suppress the defeated capitalists, thereby drawing Leninist (aka Marxist) conclusions, what the game might consider “”“totalist”“” conclusions, while other more “orthodox” IWW members might continue to fetishize trade unions without recognizing the limitations of labor-arisocratic leadership, or the need to extend the revolution beyond a voluntary, horizontal association of workers’ councils and soviets, or the need to go after finance capital and aggressively nationalize as much of the economy as possible to prevent the libs in exile from preparing and launching a counterrevolution.