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Shaun’s the only member of so-called Breadtube that has never disappointed me. I wouldn’t be the least surprised if he were actually a tankie.
Eh, there was this one time when after Andy Ngo got milkshaked and someone hit him Shaun said some misguided lib shit about not hitting the guy “that helps noone”. Not a HUGE deal but it was a minor disappointment.
Potentially more troubling though is the fact that after him and Jen had a falling out, Jen has said some shit along the lines of him exploiting her labor. I cant remember all of the details anymore and didn’t save the source, but basically she subtweeted breadtube for taking people’s patreon money and producing very little content* (though, hilariously, she name dropped Hbomb as one of the good ones in a reply and he’s like maybe the worst when it comes to this lol). Someone replied that they think videos like Shaun’s Charlottesville video are worth it (and like, I kinda agree, thats a great video), and Jen said that she basically did all the research for that video and got no credit for that. Thing is, I’ve also heard Shaun talk on stream, well before the falling out with Jen, about going through the Charlottesville footage for that video himself. So its a bit of a he said she said I guess, with the truth possibly be somewhere in the middle. I find it difficult to believe either of them are blatantly lying, so its possible that Jen did a lot of research on that video but not all of it or something.
*The thing about him hiding how much he makes on Patreon is also a criticism I’m not sure what to think about.
I mean, at the end of the day, noone’s perfect. I think its good to remember those we admire have flaws yaknow? I don’t think any of this is like, you are cancelled for me forever worthy.
i mean sure it doesnt ‘help anyone’ materially other than giving all the leftists that see it a good dopamine hit. im always on board with making the fash cry for that reason, but its not like it disappears them
It does intimidate them though which makes them less likely to be in public
Source on what Jen said:
Thanks. Did you dig it up or did you have it handy?
I’m really curious about the truth behind this, since as I said I’ve heard Shaun say on stream that he looked through footage himself for that video (and not in response to Jen, just in passing, before Jen said that). As I said elsewhere, I wouldn’t be done with Shaun forever if Jen’s side turned out to be 100% true, I’d just rather know what the truth is lol.
I didn’t know they had a falling out. I knew she was removed from the name of the channel, but I always thought it was because she didn’t have much to do with the content of the channel anymore.
For some more context, she does seem to suggest that she did not want credit on the video in another tweet:
I wonder what percentage of Shaun’s viewers know that there ever was a Jen? Something that I think every youtuber needs to learn is that if you’re on a team then all contributing voices need to be heard by the audience in the final product, because that’s the only level that 90% of the viewership will engage with.
In a couple of HBomb’s more recent videos, he seems to have figured this out because he makes sure his producer is referenced directly so his audience knows that he isn’t a one-man show. Hell, the Game Grumps make their editors into minor recurring characters in their Let’s Plays (though I haven’t watched them in a few years so idk if they still do it).
Yeah agreed. Barry of the Grumps got so popular he’s no longer part of the Grumps but has his own successful Twitch career. I’ve been in his streams sometimes they are fun. Glad Hbomb is giving his producer credit, on twitter he was saying how he realized how much he NEEDS a producer to focus him.
I wonder what percentage of Shaun’s viewers know that there ever was a Jen?
That’s a good point. I’m aware because I’m pretty online, but I’ve never really been aware of who Jen was or what role she played in the production of the videos or when she was around, because I’ve never known the channel as anything but just “Shaun”
If you’re a youtuber or influencer or whatever and you’ve hired an editor or something, you’ve officially become petite bourgeoisie. While this isn’t that bad in and of itself, it sometimes shows how one’s material conditions can alter their political beliefs. It seems like Shaun is principled enough (then again I don’t make the mistake of following breadtubers on twitter). Though I would advocate leftist ‘content creators’ who get popular enough should form media collectives/co-ops rather than raking in the majority of the patreon money for themselves.
Wait, they had a falling out? I never knew. I kinda miss the Shaun and Jen streams. I always figured they just wanted to do their own thing.
Yeah unfortunately the stream getting split up wasn’t just an amicable decision. I miss those streams too.
everyone on the internet is grifting, no leftist movement will come out of “breadtube” or anything related to any of the fake ass grifters who are all there solely for a cheque, they suck and anyone who likes them is honestly just a grating idiot who just treats politics as part of their persona with no understanding of the actual consequences
Put some respect on Radical Reviewer’s name >:( but no, he’s pretty good too, digestible reviews of leftist theory is just the thing that the Breadtube libs sorely need.
Also he has the most well behaved dog I’ve ever seen
Radical Reviewer is pretty good, but I was commenting on being disappointed, and I’m pretty disappointed by Radical Reviewers “USSR bad” position
Does Hakim count as Breadtube? Because he and Shaun are my two favorites.
I also like PhilTube, Innuendo Studios and HBG but I’ve heard they don’t have a good rep around here.
Hakim is incredible!! Without a real firm definition of what Breadtube actually consists of, I generally presume that it excludes tankies (Bread being derived from Conquest of Bread, and anarchists generally being anti-ML).
True, I just assumed they’d all fall under the same label because left youtube is pretty niche. Though I didn’t know Hakim was ML (as opposed to just an L).
Somewhat off-topic but are MLs necessarily tankies? I thought it was used by MLs to refer to other MLs who uncritically support perceived ML regimes.