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But it isn’t “turning people away from being fash” that’s my point, its turning people into stupidpol posters who blame trans people and the “idpol” for all their problems and teaching them to hide their grievances behind a bad faith “economic concern” angle, I’d rather have the openly nazi fascists who we know what they are than these disingenuous red fascist fucks trying to infect from the left
Its hilarious you call me toxic because I’m uncompromising on consistency and honesty, sorry that’s called being a true leftist, I’m not going to just be a slimy post modernist and manipulate the connection between words and actions.
Lmao you think Breadtube fans are stupidpol posters? Where the fuck did you get that idea? You’re off your rocker. None of the ex-protofash I’ve met who turned left because of breadtube are anything close to that. Most people who complain about Breadtube are coming from the exact opposite angle, thinking that Breadtube is creating a bunch of radlibs who only care about idpol and don’t have interest in the economig angle. Which just goes to show you how silly the complaints are, two sides of that argument both blame leftube for the people they don’t like. Incredible. Breatube makes way too many videos about idpol issues for me to imagine that stupidpol enjoys them in the slightest.
I’m calling you toxic because you’re writing off the whole fucking community as “fake” based on your disagreement with me specifically.
Not a convincing argument that your own anecdotal evidence about all the “ex-fash” you know are totally not watching breadtube, I can point to actual evidence which is simply produced by browsing stupidpol on any given day, that shows that stupidpol does support breadtubers in the idea that they recognize they are useful idiots to sow division, that doesn’t mean stupidpol users are watching every video they produce, subscribe to them or even like them, but stupidpol loves using breadtubers as tools as breadtubers have positioned and presented themselves as speaking with utmost authority on what they are talking about. Have an issue with something? Well sorry, here’s a clip of a breadtuber disagreeing, your problems don’t exist and if you keep trying to insist they do then you are an idpol obessesed librul. That isn’t possible without breadtubers having positioned themselves speaking with way too much authority when they are just random who’s on the internet, this is the key factor that makes the breadtube no different than the alt right or any other attempt to silence minorities concerns by speaking for them and around them through bad faith actors.
OK first of all, my evidence is anecdotal but your browsing stupidpol is real evidence lmao. I don’t pull my evidence just from the people I know, I pull it from things I’ve observed in leftist communities. But both things are actually anecodtal. Neither of us have data. Also, I didn’t say they don’t watch breadtube I said the ex-fash I know do or did watch breadtube and it deradicalized them from the right and served as the starting point to turning them far left.
When the hell has someone like Shaun ever said anything that stupidpol can use to shoot down minority concerns lmao? Literally the only two people involved with “Breadtube” that I can think of that have done that are Contra, and basically only on twitter with her, and Vaush who I don’t even fucking count as being breadtube. Consequently, those are the two leftish youtbers I don’t defend at all anymore (or ever in Vaush’s case).
Besides, the fact that stupidpol use one or two of them to manipulate their own narrative doesn’t make the the entirety of leftish youtube content bad. Crypto-chuds gonna use bullshit to manipulate the narrative just like open chuds. Whatever clips they are using, it isn’t a majority of their content. And if you look at the ACTUAL FUCKING BREATUBE SUB, you’ll see that it has nothing in common with Stupidpol. Also, the fact that stupidpol users use breadtube to manipulate their narrative does NOT prove that they arrived at their current viewpoints because of breadtube now does it? That was your original claim.
Maybe you should stop browsing stupidpol so much. Probably bad for your mental health. Its a very specific form of very online poisoning. Stupidpol have no real world power whatsoever, they are completely irrelevant to leftism as a whole. They are not a threat. Ignore them. Like i hate them too but you’ve clearly gone way too down that rabbit hole for your own well being.