Everyone defending AOC needs to get one thing through their fucking skulls: you will never bring Socialism by disavowing Socialism. No amount of “I’m a Socialist but Stalin is bad” will ever be enough, as evidenced by half the country thinking AOC is a “Stalinist.”
“Socialism was bad everywhere it’s been tried but I’ll be good if we do it” is a dogshit argument that convinces no one, and pointing to nations that are not even fucking close to Socialist as Socialist doesn’t make people open to Socialism, it halts their progress into Socialism, like the fucking Vaushites who think you can do entryism in the Democratic Party.
I’m sorry that this politician you like isn’t a Socialist. She’s not hiding her power level, she’s a fucking Liberal.
No amount of “I’m a Socialist but Stalin is bad” will ever be enough, as evidenced by half the country thinking AOC is a “Stalinist.”
Trying to relitigate the 1930s for the thousandth time is about as far away from a Mass Line as you can get.
It’s just a waste of fucking time. You’re not going to break a primary education’s worth of Cold War propaganda with a sound bite, and people need to stop pretending like “pro-Stalin” is some kind of line in the sand for a Brooklyn leader of the DSA.
Just stick to talking about what matters and stop pretending AOC’s job is to make cool Stalin memes.