I have only seen national DSA leadership oppose the idea or turn it into a personality contest with Jimmy Dore.
How is that democratic at all?! They are openly contradicting the democratically-decided party line…
What an absolutely shit organization.
Here’s the quote:
2019 presents a unique opportunity for the Democratic Socialists for Medicare for All campaign: to be a key player in pushing HR 1384, the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act, to a vote in the House of Representatives. DSA is not alone in this work. National Nurses United, along with nearly 30 other national and local unions and progressive organizations are coordinating to take advantage of this moment. Since Bernie Sanders’ presidential run in 2016, single-payer advocates have been successfully turning Medicare for All into a litmus test for politicians. A floor vote in the House will force representatives to finally reveal whether they’re on the side of healthcare profiteers or the side of the working class.
This doesn’t make me think it’s a good idea, it just makes me think the DSA is also a bunch of libs.
EDIT: I take it back. Apparently the DSA plan was to actually have an organized movement that could exert pressure before they tried to force a vote. You know, so that they had actual leverage. Unlike the libs behind #ForcetheVote, that’s actually a better plan.
Yeah, this makes me think less of DSA leadership, but it doesn’t make me think any more of forcing a vote that is guaranteed not to pass. It’s certainly nothing worth tearing anyone down over.
Like, we just had the House pass a bill on decriminalizing marijuana. That actually passed, and the benefits were marginal. It’s not going to get us federally decriminalized marijuana anytime soon.
No, it makes me think less of the DSA for thinking that forcing a floor vote will do anything. That’s the lib shit I’m talking about. The Spectacle won’t create a socialist movement. The left has been doing the same “Oh, were going expose them and then everyone will know the truth” for decades and it doesn’t work. Knowledge isn’t power and the truth won’t set you free.
lib shit is sitting there and not exercising your influence. Forcing a vote lets the left see who’s against med4all, and who needs to be primaried.
I really don’t understand this perspective.
If M4A was going to be voted on, it’d give socialists any opportunity to advocate for M4A in their lives.
Already, this fight for M4A has helped me engage politically with people in my life. My parents and a couple friends have been much more receptive to M4A since the pandemic started.