I fully understand that AOC is not perfect but she’s doing a hell of a lot more than the podcast grifters are.
I think a reasonable comparison is the DNC rules changes (regarding superdelegates) Bernie pushed through in 2016. It wasn’t the whole ballgame, but it did keep him from getting stopped before he got started in 2020.
she’s a politician. She shouldn’t get language wrong. Good word choice is her business.
I agree, and I agree the whole “this is violence” bit is worthy of criticism. The issue is dunking on that while writing off the good thing she did, that she’s announcing in the same set of tweets. Critical support isn’t just criticism.
The issue is dunking on that while writing off the good thing she did, that she’s announcing in the same set of tweets.
That’s a fair retort. But I’d generally support whatever she did (even if the GREAT VICTORY! here seems like weak tea). What I don’t like is that she hits the left and then OP also starts a fight for no reason. The reason I want her to be pushed is to help her be the best version of herself. Not because I wish her any ill.
Saying “it’s pretty obnoxious to be getting ‘fuck you and the horse you rode in on’ tweets when we’re supposed to be on the same team” isn’t punching left. If someone tells you to go fuck yourself, and you reply to that, you’re not the one initiating that exchange.