Seriously, who would put tape on the side before going to town? also, the pig head definitely feel out of color, especially for anarchist.
is this a false flag? or do we have truly have the nicest vandale on our hand?
Ehh, the “we want everything” is honestly one of the least fake parts of it. Reminds me of James Connolly “we only want the earth”. Like essentially that is our demand as communists, “we” i.e. the workers demand control of our labour and therefore the world.
But yeh I don’t think it’s real after having the tape thing pointed out yesterday. And what fucken anarchist spray paints UBI lmao. Especially alongside “we want everything”, it’s so incongruous lmao.
forgive my ignorance, what even is ubi :')
beside that, if any of us could pull that shit off, pretty sure they would got withe something a bit more popular or meaningfull
universal basic income, it’s what Yang was advocating during the election. Basically a bandaid over the huge gaping wounds caused by capitalism, giving everyone X amount of money per month. Universal welfare basically. It’s a dumb technocrat thing.
We want everything is straight up the title of Autonomist author Nanni Balestrini’s novel about the factory occupations of the Italian Hot Autumn of 1969. No way some false flag would be deep enough to have read that.