Welcome back ladies, lads, and nonbinary comrades! Its Monday once again, meaning its time for another Chapo weekly running thread.
Remember that it supposedly takes three weeks to form a habit, so if you can make it through this week you’re already setting yourself up for success. For those of you who already have that habit formed, keep it up!
I started week 3 of the c25k today, and it absolutely slayed me. I guess I was more out of shape than I realized. My calves feel like lead, but honestly its more a good wakeup call than anything. I started running so I wouldnt feel like this anymore, so if anything it means Im on the right track. Worst case scenario, I can just redo week three next week if I’m not ready to move to week four.
How about everyone else? Any successes, failures, or interesting stories? Even if you dont run and just want to drop by to support the comrades, feel free to post below!
Firstly, thanks for doing these threads, they’re a great idea! 👍 And well done on another week! Definitely no shame in taking it slower, the one thing I’ve really realised from all my running mishaps is that trying to run to someone else’s schedule is never a good move, and taking it easier when your body is warning you to is always the right call
Mistimed my long run yesterday and ended up running through a thunderstorm for two hours, but it was actually really cool - there’s something quite liberating and primal about running while nature’s fury is crashing all around you and there’s nobody else around
My local parkrun has supposedly just restarted and I was going to go this coming weekend, but there’s been another mini-outbreak in my area so I suspect it won’t happen. PS I’m sure it will be on hold right now where most of you are, but if you’re in a safer area, definitely check out parkrun, they’re cool casual mini-events run by local volunteers around the world every weekend.