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Idk I think they’re the MLK “let them hit you” type, and your nonviolence will be seen nationwide and garner support for you. That’s what my lib friend thinks.
As I said in regard to nonviolence: “Non Violence only works if your death is meaningful”
If something happens, i hope you volunteered and paid all your parking tickets, because no one is going to take your side.
Nonviolence (as employed by a political minority) only works if either:
- You have control of some lever that, by simple inaction, you can employ to grind things to a halt; or
- You can shame your opponents/people who are indifferent into action; or
- There’s a credible threat that things will turn violent if nonviolence proves to be insufficient.
Bring this up to nonviolence libs and ask them what their plan is.
Non-violence doesnt work if you have no response to an act of violence against you. As an american, Nonviolent protest was shown to be this greater form of protest where all the cops against the Civil Rights Movement suddenly decided “Oh no, we’re the bad people! I’m going to go home to my wife and cry about how awful I’ve been” and everyone was happy and nothing bad ever happened again. Or how Churchill did a personal apology tour in India because Gandhi decided to walk to the ocean to get salt (ISTG this feels like how I was taught it at school).
Not to argue your point or anything, I’m just overcome with why it doesnt seem like there’s an imagination towards real protest tactics among libs.