I can’t believe I gave these people money.
I don’t have faith in them I just don’t know how to read it any other way
The Medicare for All bill in the House needs to pass through six Committees’ jurisdiction, and it currently lacks financing language (i.e. how to pay for it), so it’s not a bill that can be voted on yet. This is why getting the bill out of committee has been one of DSA’s priorities .Over the past few years, working with other national and local groups, we’ve succeeded in pressuring chairs to hold the first hearings on Medicare for All in the Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce, Rules, and Budget committees. These hearings were historic; the first ever on Medicare for All legislation.
to me this says its incomplete and we want it to be completed. The bill had hearings, which is a start, but were not completed. I don’t know how else to interpret it. The DNC position is not that House Democrats are dragging their feet and are the only reason its not complete
saying it lacks financing language is garbage though. why is this in their press release?
Is that not a factual statement? House Democrats have not prioritized this bill and there are 6 committees that have not finished their work. Financing language is probably some of the work that is remaining. They could’ve said “House Democrats refuse to complete M4A bill so it can’t be voted on” and it would mean the same thing
yeah, that’s what they should have said. that’s the point, they’re mirroring the DNC language and homogenizing. they even stan for pelosi “not being able to deliver” a vote. this is passive language.