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To be clear, in Xinjiang, as of 2017 “outward manifestations of extremism” such as, wearing a veil in public, or having an abnormal beard are banned.
The CPC is not just targeting separatists who happen to be Islamic and Uighur, they’ve criminalized practicing Islam and expressing Uighur ethno-cultural identity purportedly as a way of trying to target separatists.
The source is the official government news website for the Xinjiang Autonomous Region Tianshan net.
Tianshan net’s archive only goes back to October 2017 and this happened in March, but the SCMP reported on it sourcing the website here.
The rest of your comment is a massive fucking yikes.
To put it in a US context, you’re saying that because Bin Laden’s Mujahideen was an Islamic and ethnically Arab movement the US should have put everyone who refused to stop wearing long beards or veils in internment camps as there’s otherwise no way to tell which muslim or arab is a salafiist jihadi without reading their minds, and even if they’re not should we wait until they’re already radicalised and armed?
That was literally the chud line in the US after 9/11 and like in the US, the answer here is because the vast majority of the Uighur and Islamic population aren’t ideologically aligned with the militant seperatists and of the minority who are only a miniscule proportion is willing to back those beliefs up with violence. According to the Global Terrorism Database, in 2017 there were only 6 terrorist attacks in Xinjiang in total and they only killed 16 people and injured a further 76.
If you can’t see why discriminating against a whole ethnic group with millions of members and imprisoning any of them who won’t stop publically practicing their culture and religion is fucked up and reactionary then you might be the one who needs re-education.