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Disagree with some of it, but it’s a great post. Appreciated the 2002 paper.
For me, it’s impossible to get away from the fact that the US, through facilitating wahabbism, and everything else over a century, has kept the entire middle east in hellworld to get that oil.
China will do anything to avoid that.
e: I mean, it’s the stated US policy to slow the rise of China by any means necessary.
Consider the fact that wahabbists in the KSA have no problem with what China is doing and the conclusion is obvious. They aren’t interring uyghurs because they are Muslim or because they’re worried about terrorism. They’re doing this for the same reason america loves putting black men in prison. It’s free labor. The profiling is just a PR tool to acquire it without a fuss. It’s nice to believe the PRC is any different but reality is that this is just them doing what they do best: knocking off American imperialism at a more efficient clip than previously thought possible.
That’s the first time I’ve heard free labour cited as a reason for the measures. It doesn’t seem persuasive tbh.
It’s nice to believe the PRC is any different
But there is a category difference here. The PRC is a multi millenia civilisation coming out of a century of chaos largely caused by western imperialism. The US inherited and propagates that western imperialism by any means necessary.
The two countries are at very different stages of technological and political development.
The US, as the geographically secure hegemon, has had the luxury of notional unfettered political freedom. China has, naturally, has had to develop a more secure, less free political system, because of outside threats of destabilisation. By the hegemon.
Need to compare them with way more context than “they both are doing imperialism right now,” which I don’t accept that China is doing in any way camparable to the west.