Landlords are scum. Building solidarity and power among fellow renters is really fucking important. Discuss
How to organize a Tenants Union in your building.
If organizing your building yourself seems too intimidating at first, seek out and help with housing organizing in your city/region and learn from more experienced organizers. You’ll have helped out other renters and pretty soon it won’t feel so intimidating to lead organizing yourself.
That just means different, sneakier branding is needed to organize tenants! It’s not like 100% of the local population are fascist zealots, Most people don’t have coherent political views that are all neatly reconciled. Being a Leftist also means believing that the vast majority of people are redeemable and capable of change. It’s the actual fascists and eugenicists who believe that people are naturally prone to behaviors and beliefs and therefore some of them are worth having life or freedom.