Landlords are scum. Building solidarity and power among fellow renters is really fucking important. Discuss
How to organize a Tenants Union in your building.
If organizing your building yourself seems too intimidating at first, seek out and help with housing organizing in your city/region and learn from more experienced organizers. You’ll have helped out other renters and pretty soon it won’t feel so intimidating to lead organizing yourself.
What was the response like to your fliers, if u don’t mind my asking? And do you have a cheap solution for printing out hundreds of pages?
About 10% response, but I only did one pass. Left the complex a couple weeks later. I printed them 2 per page on my cheap desktop laser printer. The landlord put in clips on the doors for their announcements, so I hijacked them. Did about 100 in a night.
I’d say be ready for multiple passes, and save some to put up in common spaces (laundry, pool, mailbox, etc). Just make sure everyone sees it more than once and has one in their possession. Make it look cool too if you can. I used bold font with a stupid little logo I made with the apartment complex’s name and the mutual aid logo.