I mean a heckin company removed the posts!!! the psots!!!11! thats a heckin fasicm if I seen one
no not the attempted “coup” you stupid lib that was an epic prankerino
anyway, when do you think libs are going to round us up in fema camps?
Holy shit bud. Coming in hot with your new account, huh? I haven’t seen anyone talk about the ‘international bourgeoise’ at all in this thread or any thread.
I have way more reason to be scared of the actual state that wields actual power reacting to this in a way that affects all levels of dissent in the country, even the stupid neo-nazi boomers. I’d be worried if sections of the military had decided to join them. I’d be worried if the secret service had acted with them. I’d be worried if bombs actually went off. But none of that happened.
Now, what did and is happening is a reaction with cooperation between the state and private media apparatuses, which is, in fact, an aspect of historical facism. The question is to what degree is that reaction going to clamp down on any apparent dissent, which, if history is any judge, will almost certainly be aimed at leftists immediately after a right wing threat is dealt with. We’ll see though.