that might be scrappy actually
kinda forgot we need a megathread
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I think it’s one of those insults that dont make sense because enough time has passed it has lost its meaning. In 2005 it generally meant someone who didnt go outside and probably hoarded trash and shat in plastic bags
It came from the toxic backwater of 4chan. I think a lot of people romanticise what it was like in the early days. Moot mades attempts, but gave up pretty quickly. Everyone was male, if you said you werent you were just looking for attention, everyone was straight, I got called a candyass a fair bit -a moderating attempt that failed to quash homophobia-, everyone was a nerd, who else browsed message boards in 2005? and in this world calling somone a virgin neckbeard makes sense. Even of you left your computer and tried, no one would like you anyway, you dont even know how to start, what an hero