Like seriously, why isn’t there at least one single leader or famous person who is uncompromisingly anticapitalist, good at organizing, gives rousing speeches and is actually willing to do illegal shit, get arrested, inspire people, actually writes new, relevant and useful theory and generally be an icon?
I keep reading about how we are entering the one of the most turbulent decades in history. Who do we have to represent us other than socdem politicians, podcasters and journalists? We are letting crisis after crisis go to waste. We are just wasting away…
Lenin Was European , so American would instantly dismiss what he would say,…
Sorry but Americans , You dont even have a single non -american -political -commentator in you hole life ever , And you Dont even Notice that.
Maybe there is A Lenin , You would not hear what he says and Dismiss him because hes European…
Which effectfly makes it so that there is no Lenin for you…
Id rather be dead than european so its gonna stay that way. Your political commentators can stay on their fake continent