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Obviously, this depends on your tastes, but I don’t really like impossible meat or its competitors, and usually just make Chili by adding extra beans and/or quinoa. If I need the extra protein, my go to substitute is TVP, which, if you haven’t used it, is just basically chips of soy protein. It doesn’t have any real taste of its own, like tofu, but has a texture when cooked that is basically ground meat. Its also much, much cheaper than impossible meat. If you do use it, you have to go a bit heavier on spices and oil to balance it, but I prefer a bigger focus on the vegetables and spices.
IMO the main advantage of the impossible meat stuff is that you can 1:1 replace ground meat with it in recipes, and the dish will turn mostly the same. And if it works for you, keep using it! I just found myself buying it less and less and just using beans, soy, and seiten for most of my protein.