Bonus question: who will be the MyPillow Guy in the Biden admin’s orbit?
As if it was all OK before? It’s not better or worse after, just different. Without 9/11 the US wouldn’t be involved in 2 forever wars and 3 more long ones and wouldn’t be heightening it’s contradictions towards collapse. So instead of collapsing on 2090 it’ll collapse in 2040. What’s bad for the US isn’t good or bad for the world. It just closes opportunities and opens others. I happen to think the opportunities to us now are better than the old ones.
9/11 sure wasn’t good for America, but was definitely worse for the world. GWOT is a disaster that killed millions and put down dozens of burgeoning socialist projects developing in the wake of neoliberal colonialism.
The phrase only makes sense of you do it through class, “What’s bad for the American Imperialist bourgeoisie is good for everyone else”. Because for the average American, there isn’t a whole lotta good.