Besides posting on chapo, what is something you may do often or occasionally that you think/know is pretty lib?
I use to have a hard time saying no to cashiers who’d ask me to round up my total to donate to some terrible organization the store owned or partnered with. Not only are most non-profits complete shit, but doing it this way the store is the one doing the write off too, kinda a double whammy. I stopped doing this for the most part, but occasionally my mouth speaks before I think and I say “sure.”
The other thing is buying girl scout cookies sometimes. I just assume this org is bad, i’ve never really looked into it, but if they are even remotely like the boy scouts, they are for sure bad.
And the last one is probably shopping at the salvation army, which has a horrible track record, has donated to anti-LGBTQA+ orgs, has a horrible labor track record and more. But like, I almost never buy brand new clothes and random household items anymore because it’s both so much less expensive this way and the textile industry is one of the worst polluters out there plus they also have horrible labor practices. But in my mind at least, buying second hand is much better to reuse stuff instead of contributing more to those industries.
what do you got?
Big no. Libs are the absolute fucking worst at tipping big. They do the math all properly and shit, and even will occasionally hash out “how good the service was” with whoever they are at the table with, sometimes developing involuntary mid atlantic accents.
The reason everyone else tips like shit is either 1) they are literally fucking broke or 2) they are not from the U.S., as tipping is thought of as garish and weird in lots of other countries, especially ones that have fucking health care and social safety nets and shit.
Any good non broke leftists tips out the wazoo. Like what are you doing to deserve being served at a restaurant anyway, acting like you’re in a superbowl commercial set at a dinner party and all your teeth are all straight and white and shit. gtfo
People who put 5 dollars on the table and remove them over the course of eating if they didn’t have their half cup of water refilled twice