Address to send food and coffee:
772 Edgewater Rd
Bronx, NY 10474
(Thanks guys and yes this address is public too so no worries)
These strikers (1400 strong) were not even compensated an extra $1 per hour while being responsible for 60% of NYC’s fresh produce and providing produce for 30 million+ people in the NYC area. They’ve worked long and dangerous hours during the pandemic with no compensation and they are standing up!
You should all be aware that instead of public I accidentally wrote pubic at first. Call the volcel police on me please
I am also curious about this. I remember when I was in High School the teachers union went on strike, and the local population, specifically the parents, saying that they were being greedy. I remember at the time thinking “oh cool, I get some time off school to dick around and play video games” but in retrospect it’s crazy to me how there is zero sense of solidarity between people who work different jobs.