but she threw it away and got absolutely nothing in return from Biden lmao
back in the long, long ago halcyon days of the 2020 primary season, before i deleted my zuckerberg metadata profile, a massive :LIB: i used to know and was social-media “friends” with posted this multi-paragraph sad-times-are-here status update when Snake Warren announced the end of her campaign. it was so insanely cringey and full of bullshit aesthetic garbage. before there had been an attempt by real humans to advocate for Bernie to her, and she invariably responded to his ideas with bUt hOw dO wE pAy fOr tHaT? austerity bullshit.
and now for the punchline: i met this idiot when she was a grad student working on her PhD in Political Science, which she completed probably 10+ years before the 2020 primary. so like all of her “analysis” (i.e. regurgitated talking points) was dripping with this “i am an expert” attitude.
this really drove home the notion that a lot of “experts” are imbeciles.
the car is, in fact, on fire.
there is, indeed, no driver behind the wheel.