Masala Chai is spiced milk tea usually sweetened. Originating from India, Chai is widespread with many household and regional variations.
The folklore surrounding Chai dates back to between 5000 and 9000 years ago to an ancient royal court – either India or Siam. It was said that the reigning king created the recipe as a healing Ayurvedic beverage. Throughout the earlier years Chai was prepared via a diverse range of methods and contained an equally diverse array of spices. Between regions the recipes varied and it was served hot and cold as a remedy for minor ailments, but didn’t contain black tea until the 1930’s.
In 1835 the British East India Company established tea plantations in Assam in an attempt to reverse the overwhelming Chinese monopoly on tea supply to Great Britain. In 1870 approximately 90% of tea consumed in Great Britain was supplied by China but by 1900 this had reduced to 10% largely replaced by tea sourced in India and Ceylon.
From the 1830s black tea was gradually assimilating into the existing Chai spice mix and the beginnings of Chai as we know it now emerged. However the tea spice mix lacked appeal due to the high cost of tea and wasn’t popular until the 1900s when a hardcore campaign by the India Tea Company promoted the provision of ‘tea breaks’ for workers in an attempt to increase tea sales.
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Yeah, the long term effects seem to really be quite something for a lot of people (including some of the asymptomatic). Meanwhile here in France the government - despite leaking news of a new upcoming lockdown - has finally decided not to do it. Instead they will enforce the existing curfew a bit more, until “they have had more time to reflect”, and for “the economy”. That in the midst of the British variant spreading here now, and with like one in five infected being children. And yeah, the schools are staying opened despite that. We should’ve already implemented a strict lockdown weeks ago.
Capitalism’s epitaph just might be “for the economy.”
One in five children? Brutal.
Here in NYC they keep going stupidly back and forth with schools remaining partially open. Now the Neoliberal Nightmare governor want to open more capacity at restaurants next month. You know, it’s so important to shoot for the Hallmark and rose industry-driven “holiday “ of Valentines Day.
As Carlin predicted “we’re just circling the drain; with everybody having a cell phone that makes pancakes and rubs your balls, so no one wants to rock the boat, cause any trouble.”
Now the Neoliberal Nightmare governor want to open more capacity at restaurants next month
Your restaurants are still opened ?! they’ve been closed for like 3 and a half months here, they’re a major infection vector. So are gyms, cinemas and the like. It’s completely fucked up to let restaurants open given the current state of the pandemic in the US.
The Capitalist Cabal, man. They don’t give a fuck about anything in the world - but their profits and maligning/pillaging the working and middle class.
They’re not open technically. But they do have outdoor seating (even on this insanely cold Arctic wind blast settling in on us now). I’ve seen the craziest wooden structures all over the place, occupying the parking space in the street , now with little private, closed-in cubbies for a couple and others for small groups.
I think I also saw a new gym also with its doors open and people inside working out. Some stupid shit.
Yeah, we’re all stir crazy. And we need a regular government payment installment plan. But learn to cook at home; working out can be accomplished by simple push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks and yoga on the floor.
This country’s fucked.
Witnessing the end of the dominant American Empire is heart-warming though.