Good to be able to hash out leftist strains to counter reactionary hindu nationalists, etc.
EDIT: Also requesting c/jainism and c/sikhism (in addition to c/buddhism and c/hinduism requested in original OP).
EDIT 2: WTF these replies and the number of upvotes (except for some that seemed to be legit good faith)… No wonder POC don’t feel welcome on this site. Mods? @Beatnik @ScreamoBMO @EcoSoco @Uncle_Hoe @Gorn
EDIT 3: To those asking “How would these comms be relevant?”, asking this is kinda whack in the first place, because why would asking for a religious comm need justification to exist when there are other religious comms already existing? But just for those who do want “justification”, here’s a leftist podcast talking about Buddhism: As for Hinduism, it’s pretty obvious with Modi and his nationalist goons that it’s a relevant topic. Similarly, it is Sikhs who are risking their lives in the insurrection against the Indian government right now. Oh and one of the most important struggles against colonialism was heavily influenced by the non-violent philosophy of Jainism (i.e. Indian independence from the British). Like I said before, why I even have to justify this in the first place is mega whack, but there you go.
Yeah communities sound cool but I wonder whether we have anybody from kurdistan at all, or even just two that would want a sub to put content in.
Not too long ago people were saying the exact same thing about trans people. “ThErE’S bArElY aNy Of ThEm WhY sHoUlD wE hAvE a SpAcE fOr ThEm?”
Sorry I meant that more about online communities in general, not specifically here.
I mentioned why in the OP… that it would be nice to have a place to hash out leftist strains to combat things like hindu nationalism.
So what, it’s just supposed to be a comm about Jainism with no Jains in it?
The population of Rojava is like 2 million or so. There are probably 5 million Jains in the world. Yet there’s a c/rojava.
I guess I need to repeat myself… what kind of smooth-brained reddit take are you trying to say here?
Because Rojava’s a geopolitical entity and a political project that people want to follow the development of and possibly emulate? Creating a comm just for talking about someone else’s religion is strange.
Who would mod it?
meanwhile no one posts in rojava
i think this topic should be brought up again once there is demand for that