Many thought that the end was on Friday, but it seems that this shit will go on forever.

Current stock price

Wtf is a short squeeze and when should I sell


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Volume increases as everyone starts buying the dip. Then the price rebounds a bit. I think it’s still on but who knows when the price will actually launch.

The retail restrictions are buying time. The whales are holding enough and buying more so it offsets whatever smaller holders leave. The ladder attacks keep happening and trying to get the price low. But then people double down and buy more on dips. Then the price rebounds. As soon as the US market closes, the price goes back up. Repeat the next day. What is the out here? Is it just to cover shorts with more shorts because you know the ladder attacks will drop the price? Then once enough is covered, you hope enough memers have lost interest and pulled out so that the squeeze won’t happen? Stall until March and hope the earnings report will be bad enough to conduct a media campaign to drive off investors?

What is Melvin getting out of prolonging this?


Issue is the hedgefunds are also buying and purposefully selling at a loss. They are scaring away last week’s buyers and choosing bull sessions to sell their stock to accomplices. Eventually day traders will lose enough buying high that they will stop causing the ogs to pull out at like 100.




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Stock market entryism is a revisionist lie.

:stonks-up: :stonks-down: :ritzy-marx: .



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