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just playing devil’s advocate here, but isn’t it possible they’ve closed their troublesome shorts last week and any high short-interest is from opening new shorts in the $300+ range?
Volume wasn’t high enough to support that.
They may have gotten out from under some of those shorts during the big dips, such as when trading was halted by RH and others on Thursday and the price went down to 132, but they were still bleeding out of their eyes to make that happen if they bought all their shorts back when the price was under $20 a share.
Your own link has historical volume average <10 million daily except for the days where le epic redditors were buying like crazy (after the shorts were made).
What the fuck are you talking about.
Imagine coping this hard.
The volume isn’t low, it’s fucking high, stop reading WSB for DD.
The hedge funds have been doing weird and probably illegal shit
Even if they were, what the fuck do you think is gonna happen? The answer? Nothing.