What’s the appeal of that podcast again?
i once listened to a whole radio program on NPR (yeah I didn’t pick it) where two guys had this exact same argument about how its awful and shit. one guy pointed out that he’d been doing it the whole time but since he was a guy it hadn’t bothered anyone.
there was an awkward silence, and the arguments just came back up without acknowledging it, because libs are shit. I look forward to the more creative more intellectually rigorous bullshit excuse you’ll come up with for this same phenomenon.
most men don’t notice they’re listening to a man with vocal fry unless its pointed out to them, often while making that same argument. the voices don’t ping as annoying. ive seen it a billion times during the great vocal fry learning-what-that-word-means the libs had like a decade ago. do you really think you’re special. ive heard multiple recorded examples. im telling you you only think its annoying because its associated with young women, who are supposed to be something that’s inconsequential.
Or I don’t like it because I wear headphones at work and my ears are sensitive and it’s hurts sometimes. Could also be that, or maybe you’re correct, I’m just the leader of the He-Man-Woman-Hater-Club.