Elephants are the dopest fucking animals dude I love them they have incredibly advanced social structures and even ritual, they are also nice af.
Elephants are thought to be highly altruistic animals that even aid other species, including humans, in distress. In India, an elephant was helping locals lift logs by following a truck and placing the logs in pre-dug holes upon instruction from the mahout (elephant trainer). At a certain hole, the elephant refused to lower the log. The mahout came to investigate the hold-up and noticed a dog sleeping in the hole. The elephant only lowered the log when the dog was gone. When an elephant is hurt, other elephants (even if they are unrelated) aid them.
Death ritual
Elephant researcher Martin Meredith recalls in his book an occurrence of a typical elephant death ritual as witnessed by Anthony Hall-Martin, a South African biologist who had studied elephants in Addo, South Africa, for over eight years. The entire family of a dead matriarch, including her young calf, were all gently touching her body with their trunks, trying to lift her. The elephant herd were all rumbling loudly. The calf was observed to be weeping and made sounds that sounded like a scream, but then the entire herd fell silent. They then began to throw leaves and dirt over the body and broke off tree branches to cover her. They spent the next two days quietly standing over her body. They sometimes left to get water or food, but they would always return.
Once communism is established I’m going to form the elephant moon commune and summarily execute anyone who fucks with the big beautiful beasts.
Trophy hunters get the wall.
Poachers are impoverished people scraping for any opportunity to make the money to feed themselves and their families, likely because of something a colonialist empire did in ravaging their nation.
Calling to kill poor people who struggle to meet the demand of rich foreigners is ecofascism.