Youp provided the explanation as an attempted counterpoint. We are saying your example ‘sounds like’ what you were trying to counter. Doing actions at certain cyclical times with the moon sounds like a form of moon spirituality. Regardless of the internal explanation of whay they are thinking.
Coupling with the fact that elephants bury their dead (often with lots of food and decoration) its really starting it seems like they have some sort of primitkve spirituality.
:edit yeah sorry, you never mentioned the sun my point remains the same wheyher its sun and moon or moon cycles.
I think it would be an assumption to say the elephants are acting on a cyclical basis and not simply responding to the changes in the moons appearance, but obviously neither you nor i can speak with certainty here
The moons appearence change is cyclical regardless of whether or not elephants keep track. That is pretty certain here. Whats interesting is the same specific behavior to these cyclical changes.