hey chapos a little background about me I come from a largely Irish-American family and as such was baptized Catholic but I spent most of my childhood bouncing around liberal/progressive Methodist churches and then more universal/inclusive theologies like Unity and Unitarian-Universalism all in Texas.
lately I’ve been feeling a need for a spiritual home to go pray in, probably because of how lonely quarantine times are, and i’ve been thinking about the role of religion/spirituality in life and the political sphere.
my theology is pantheist in that I believe the reality we live in is God, or divinity, and the mystery of life and the universe is the divine manifesting metaphysically. i’ve considered going to Quaker worship or back to Unitarian-Universalism, but I can’t help but feel like my steadfast Marxism would be at odds with those belief systems. i was wondering if other chapos feel the same and if y’all had any suggestions.