I’m dumb but imo there is a real distinction between American liberal progressives and American socdems. Lib progressives often think just like conservatives about class, as if talking about it is disrespectful to the individual or other clown shit, whereas socdems are only too ‘practical’ at worst
For us maybe. I mean they occasionally vote decently (on domestic issues) compared to other American politicians and if they made up a larger portion of congress we in the imperial core would probably have some more safety nets and better social services. But they’re not out to build socialism so if that’s what you want they’re gonna be at odds with you from that eventually, one can’t vote in socialism in a capitalist system.
But for a person in a country that is exploited by imperialist countries, like say hakim, who lost friends and family to americas war on terror in his country, the distinction is a lot more meaningless see as their track record on foreign policy is mostly as bad as any other American politician.
And I suppose that’s the central point of the tweet even if the lady did go about it in a vitriolic way. Tho if you’re country is being brutalized by America, I suppose the vitriol is understandable but I don’t know who this person is she could be American for all I know
No I agree, socdems do not get it, but they aren’t outright allergic to discussions about class. Progressives think only to fill a status quo that allows access to heaven and I hate that from the deepest recesses of my heart.
Yeah for sure. they’re not but there’s a limit at what point they’re willing to be on our side in regards to class politics. The Nordic nations certainly haven’t led to communism/socialism
They seem like a breath of fresh air to us contextually because the entire rest of the govt is filled with the worst ghouls on the planet but ultimately they’ve been know to sell us out to those ghouls eventually, they’re just not as hair trigger as normal liberals, progressive or otherwise.