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It’s a vibe more than anything. You know, the bald/balding middle-aged white dude who wears a suit and glasses and smiles like this
You know he’s thinking how he’s gonna fuck up some African/South American democracy in that image.
I wish we could just kill a person and end capitalism. I’m opposed to killing, but we all know capitalism can’t be reformed. If we lock it away, there’s a chance it could break free before we built a better world and ruin everything (again).
This gave me an idea actually - you know how chuds bring up 13:50 a lot? We can respond with how all pedos are white males. or how serial killers are white males. or how all neonazis are…you get the point. It may get them thinking a bit. If not chuds themselves, then maybe this could work on the half-chuds who are being converted to chudhood by a combination of Fox, YouTube etc.