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He said Geng had been indicted over illegal business activities involving 200,000 copies of mostly cookery books for which the full publishing rights had not been obtained.
“‘Illegal business activities’ is just an alternative charge to ‘inciting state subversion’ when it comes to entrepreneurs who are critical of China’s political ecology,” Ji said. “The purpose is to intimidate, silence and cut off all social networks they have with political dissidents in a bid to isolate them.”
This is literally just a case of some petite bourgeois fucks cutting corners to make a buck and running crying to the western media trying to become an international incident.
This is like the psycho conservatives in America crying about oppression of the MAGAS when they get busted for wage theft or whatever.
Mimi Lau covers human rights, religion and civil society in China. She spent seven years in southern China as the Post’s Guangzhou Correspondent before returning to Hong Kong in 2017. Today, Mimi continues to pursue stories across the country, monitoring and reporting on key political and civil issues. She has won numerous awards for her work.
(Author bio)
I just crossed off “didn’t read the article” and “believed the first white person at face value” off my Western Liberal bingo card.
For real people, it’s not hard. You can also either try and read between the lines with western papers, or look for official records published by China on this shit. Follow sources and see who’s saying what.
Maybe the people who just got busted for doing illegal shit aren’t the most reliable narrators. Seems like “entrepreneurs” getting caught doing illegal stuff tend to fall back on the “actually, it’s because I did this Tweet about Xi looking like Winnie the Pooh” because it gets them play.
Maybe the people who just got busted for doing illegal shit aren’t the most reliable narrators. Seems like “entrepreneurs” getting caught doing illegal stuff tend to fall back on the “actually, it’s because I did this Tweet about Xi looking like Winnie the Pooh” because it gets them play.
Yeah. Its really strange because recent news is full of Chud business owners doing illegal shit and then crying about how libs are targeting them for their beliefs or some shit.
I really want to be charitable and say that most people just haven’t made the connection yet.