I’m dubious that China even is the reason, I’d bet they just didn’t want to fucking do it
Rowling has a ton of pull over what happens in these movies.
Probably an understatement. There aren’t a lot of movies that are guaranteed cash cows like the Harry Potter franchise. The first “Fantastic Beasts” made $800+ million at the box office and the sequel pulled in $650+ million. “Make the movie my way and take half a billion dollars guaranteed or don’t make it at all” is a pretty powerful bargaining position.
She likes the idea of having a sexless pet gay, sort of like Carrie from Sex and the City.
You don’t need steamy sex shown in screen to make the point they were lovers, but again, I didn’t watch those movies.
Weren’t like the forties? Probably TheGoodGuysTM would have beat Dumbledore to death if he confessed his homosexuality; Alan Turing and all that.