Science is incapable of ever being truthful because every scientist is an amoral wannabee friend of Jeffrey Epstein. These nerds literally take lessons in school to learn how to beg for patronage to do research. Of course their studies usually end up being about managerial bourgeois praxis like using skull shape measurements to categorize workers. That’s what personality psychology is about at the end of the day, Brave New World style eugenics with humane empathy for wage slaves.
but if you go on astrology YouTube and Twitter you’ll probably find some figures to back up what I’m saying.
edit: wait oh shit did you mean the other kind of figures
if that’s the case than I’ve been making a scene over a total misinterpretation
Yes I meant figure heads.
Apparently the QAnon podcast did a deep dive into the overlap between astrology and other, more harmful conspiracy theories. Maybe check it out. Again it’s harmless most of the time based on my experiences but not totally.