As an organizing tool, to build community. Recommendations of normie friendly books that are also worth owning a copy of.
I’ll throw in some hard theory, too, but I don’t want it to be too heavy handed. Can’t reveal my power level, too much.
Reading Bullshit Jobs right now, to give you an idea.
Edit: used online bookstore that isn’t Amazon? I’ll check out the local stores, but incase they don’t have what I’m looking for.
Also, libs bait that isn’t the worst? Harry potter-ish, but better?
edit/the list so far:
- Lost connections: why you’re depressed and how to find hope
- Mistborn Trilogy 1 The Final Empire
- The Way of Kings (The Stormlight Archive)
- People’s History of the United States
- Lies my teacher told me: everything your American history textbook got wrong
- Perdido Street Station
- The Grapes of Wrath
- The Dispossessed, An Ambiguous Utopia
- The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas: A Story
- Debt the first 5000 years
- Jakarta Method
- Shock Doctrine
- Blackshirts and Reds
- Against Empire
- Capitalist Realism
- Stupid White Men
- Listen Liberal
- The Divide
- The Jungle
- Red Rising
Also, libs bait that isn’t the worst? Harry potter-ish, but better?
if you mean like a non-fiction story, with goodish politics/themes I would recommend, Mistborn or Stormlight archive both by the same author. Both seres are excellent Stormlight is the better but mistborn is the better series to read first (and more normie friendly). I think in the first chapter of Mistborn one of the main characters kills a slave owner and frees and arms the slaves on the plantation.