I was sleeping on this podcast till now because I’m lazy. But yesterday I decided to go through the episodes/clips on YouTube and wow they are good! I’ve no idea how they manage to get so many awesome guests - Richard Wolff, Zizek, Chomsky, then you’ve got Nina Turner and Cornel West, there’s Boots Riley, it’s just incredible. And all of them are so honest and upfront and open when talking. I’ve never seen Wolff this animated and lively when talking to someone else or even on his own show! It’s incredible.
EDIT - What the fuck happened in the comments?
No, sorry. Those are my “sarcastic” quotes.
If I quote directly I’ll try to do this or provide a source.
I like the rigor but yes that is something that sounds very Briahna. She’s like a blindfolded person grasping for the door.
I’ve ranted about this in other threads to death probably. But why make a show of saying you’re dropping the “democratic” for dem soc, but then immediately fall for the emotional manipulation by the bourgeois state, in a concern for their lives?
the same reason you drop the “dem” but still make a show that basically still centers around the Democratic party.